
Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Jam dari Pot Bunga

Letakkan sebuah pot bunga dengan sebatang kayu atau logam tertancap di lubang dasarnya di tempat yang disinari matahari dari pagi sampai sore hari.

Bagaimana cara bekerjanya ?

Bayangan batang tadi akan tampak pada pinggir pot bergerak berlawanan dengan gerakan matahari. Tandailah letak bayangan di pinggir pot itu setiap jam menurut putaran jarum jam. Jika matahari bersinar, waktu dapat dibaca dari pot itu. Akibat perputaran bumi nampaknya matahari bergerak menurut garis setengah lingkaran dari timur ke barat diatas kita. Sesuai dengan itu bayangan batang bergerak di bagian dalam dinding pot. Karena dinding ini miring, pancaran matahari jatuhnya cukup tegak lurus dan menimbulkan bayangan yang tepat.

See you in next experiment :D

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011


"Religion without science is blind. Science without religion is paralyzed" (Agama tanpa ilmu adalah buta, Ilmu tanpa agama adalah lumpuh)

"Knowledge is something extraordinary in case someone does not have to spent his life on it" (Ilmu pengetahuan adalah sesuatu yang luar biasa seandainya seseorang tidak harus menghabiskan hidupnya terhadap hal tersebut)

"Many people say that the intelligence that make the great scientists. They are mistaken....it is a characthers"(Banyak orang mengatakan kepintaran yang menjadikan seorang ilmuan besar. Meraka salah.....itu adalah karakter)

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education" (Satu-satunya hal  yang bertentangan dengan ilmu pengetahuanku adalah pendidikanku)

"GOD doesn't play dice"  (TUHAN tidak bermain dadu)

"Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love" (Hukum gravitasi tidak berlaku bagi orang yang sedang jatuh cinta)

"The only source of knwoledge is experience" (Satu-satunya sumber pengetahuan adalah pengalaman)

"If the facts don't fit the teory, change the facts" (Jika fakta tidak sesuai dengan teori, rubahlah faktanya)

"I never think of future. It comes soon enough" (Saya tidak pernah memikirkan masa depan, masa depan akan segera datang)

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Alien ? Are you believe?

VIVAnews - There is a big mystery that has not been revealed until now. Is there another life beyond Earth? Moreover, the fact remains, our planet as insignificant dot ', compared to the contents of the universe.
That question inspired the scientists to find another life, and the search for Earth-like planets. One of which continue to be monitored are the planets in orbit that dwarf star, Gliese 581.
And, recent research shows planet Gliese 581d, a distance of 20 light-years from Earth is the first planet outside our solar system that could support life officially declared by scientists.
As loaded LiveScience, May 17, 2011, through the study of the latest atmospheric models, the astronomers found the planet is in the region 'habitable zone' has Earth-like conditions, including having the ocean and rainfall. This conclusion is consistent with some previous research models. Although not definitively find there is life up there.
Although the 'Earth-like' the scientists argue, if one day people can send a fleet expeditions, outer space explorers will find himself in an environment that is truly foreign, compared to Earth.
Red cloudy sky, not blue like the Earth. Also gravity is two-fold, to make weight anyone who stood on it to double. Not only that, the planet's atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide would not be easily inhaled by humans.
A new computer model that can simulate the Earth's climate has been shown outside of the previous assumptions are wrong and and confirm that Gliese 581d is the planet that could sustain life.
Scientists believe the findings could pave the way for the discovery of more potential life among the stars, including some strange and unexpected.
Dr Robin Wordsworth, a team member of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace in Paris, said this finding is very encouraging. "Gliese system is very encouraging for us, because it is relatively close to Earth," he said.
"So with the future generation telescopes, we will be able to search for life on Gliese 581d directly."
Actually not only the planet Gliese 581d is targeted to scientists. There is also Planet Gliese 581g or known by the name 'World Zarmina'.
Not only an astonishing resemblance to Earth. But the scientists also found him mysterious signal emitted from the planet. Is Dr Ragbir Bhathal, scientists from the University of Western Sydney which saw a strange signal that in December 2008 - long before it was announced that there is a planet inhabited by creatures that can live in the orbit of dwarf star, Gliese 581. Read more here. (Source: ITN, LiveScience) (adi) • VIVAnews

From the news above I take the hypothesis that the aliens were actually human beings themselves from the coming age that comes with time machine. It was evident from an alien body structure itself, rather than with human-like?
Perhaps, in the coming days later the earth has been destroyed and uninhabitable due to human activity alone, and intelligent man who decided to move to a planet that is located very far but deserve to live like Planet Gliese 581 D with a very sophisticated technology that can bend a gravity system and make us who only drove at a distance of 2 light years to 20 years of light.
Nothing is impossible to do in this world? I believe that time machines exist and with it we can improves the life of fellow human beings.
(Muhammad Fahrur Rozi)

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Tricks add memory flash disc 1gb to 2gb !

Hi friends ! I have cool info ..
add memory from 1gb flash disc so 2gb, how too easy really, just download the software we wrote after that follow the following simple way ..

 1. download the software here
2. open software is already downloaded
3. Plug the stick into the computer
4. on the software already in open click refresh and click fix
5. unplug the flash and then the plug again. memory automatically added ..
good luck with his friends .. I also have not try Cii .. not have a 1gb plaskdisk nih ..
Do not forget to resume practicing on ya ...

Link to download :


Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Mondo Mini Shows Web Originals - Treasure Those Idol Moments

Making CCTV Camera With Webcam 7 Pro Build

Making CCTV Camera With Webcam 7 Pro Build
Sunday, February 6, 2011 yudha satanicore

Hello bloggers Yudha Creation Mahal buy CCTV? Create just use a webcam. In this post will be covered:
- Create a CCTV camera to a webcam can use 7 camera surveillance, which can be monitored from a PC.
- Hardware and software used, and how the settings.
- Extend the webcam using the USB cable UTP cable, so the webcam can be put in place a distant and hidden.

The advantages of CCTV use webcams made here:

   1. Low Cost
   2. Can use 7 Webcam spotter
   3. Can be monitored from a computer
   4. Automatic Recording: so there are moving objects captured by a surveillance webcams, the software automatically activates recording.
   5. Even if the computer is connected to the LAN network, this webcam can be monitored from another computer with the username and password memesukkan d settings from the server.
   6. Even the webcam camera can be monitored from the internet
   7. Here I also add a way to extend a USB cable Webcam using UTP cable.

Equipment / Hardware and Software Required:
1. Computer
There should be a dunk computer:). Create a monitor camera webcam. Pake aja Pentium 3 computers can walk. But if to monitor with many cameras webcam, you should use a Pentium processor with more speed.
2. Camera Webcam
All kinds of webcam camera can be used, except that already damaged, hee .... : 0. We recommend that you select the type of camera webcam resistant On 24 hours continuously.
3. Especially for placement webcam remote extension cord is required. To this I will discuss in my next post.
4. Software Webcam7
Actually there are several other software besides Webcam7, just my opinion now the most complete software features Webcam7.

Installation steps:
1. Connect your camera to your computer's USB webcam
2. Install the webcam driver, make sure the camera is working webcam.
3. Install the software Webcam7 to complete. Run webcam7, temporarily select the mode free.

Bring camera webcam diwebcam7
- Right-click on the webcam monitoring area
- PCI / USB (WDM Driver)
- JPEG USB Video Camera (depending on the camera is installed)
to more clearly could see the picture below

Using many cameras webcam
Webcam7 software can be used free if only using 1 camera webcam, to use more than 1 camera must be paid, but do not worry here buddy can download keygennya (tu is below), so I'll be in use more than 1 webcam.

Monitor the cameras from another computer LAN networks
- Select the Web / Broadcast
- Make sure the internal web server is running, if not click enable.
- To open the webcam from another computer. Open a web browser such as mozilla type in the address bar:
computername name can be seen in the figure below:
- Go to open a web browser (eg mozilla) from another computer.
display as shown below:
How to Extend a USB cable Webcam

Before reading the posts CCTV Camera Webcam Using this step should read my previous post about the tutorial above

CCTV camera to a webcam can be monitored remotely and can be put in place Yeng hidden, need to extend the webcam USB cable.

Tools and materials needed:

1. UTP cable (this cable is used generally to computer networks, wrote in a shop buying a computer, do not d hardware store, heee ....). Connection using UTP cable is commonly reach a length of 20 meters webcam camera can still be detected.
2. USB cable (buy a good quality)

3. Tin + solder

4. Scotch tape

5. Scissors Etc (add yourself dehhh ...)

Steps in the production:

1. Cut the USB cable connection and peeled to look serabutnya. see picture

2. Peel both ends of UTP cable, until you see the copper fibers. see picture

3. Connect the end of the USB cable and UTP cable and solder with tin. see the results table refer to the picture.

4. Tidy up with duct tape.

5. Slese deh. Cable is ready to be used to extend USB cable webcam.

Good luck buddy ..

to download it :
Downlaod Webcam 7 Pro Build 35475 Beta Software